If there is ever a time where retail food organizations
are trying to see into the future, this is it.
The inaugural presentation of Wheat Food Council’s Future of Food Forum will be an important one-day gathering of industry experts covering the key issues that the food industry is dealing with in these changing times. If your business needs to know about the future of plant-forward foods, sustainability. supply chain issues, or innovation and collaboration, you need to be at this Forum. View Forum Agenda here

The Issues
Plant forward foods
Grains, beans/legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are ingredients identified as plant-forward.
How will a plant-forward eating consumer affect your business? -
A sustainable restaurant can have value on many levels. From enhancing the customer experience, creating a safer, more positive work environment for employees, and saving energy, sustainability can improve your bottom line.
Supply chain issues
As economies struggle to get back up to speed, the supply chain crisis continues to be one of the biggest challenges restaurants still face. What does the path to recovery look like?
Innovation and Collaboration
Innovation and collaboration create a culture that can improve your ability to bring products to the market faster. What can you do to implement some positive workplace changes now?
Wheat Foods Council has put together an impressive line up of food industry experts who have a wealth of experience that we’ll tap in providing some insight. The Forum will include presentations by each of these experts followed by a moderated-led discussion in front of a live audience. A Q&A session will wrap up the Forum’s exploration.
The Panel

Barb Stuckey
President & Chief Innovation Officer
Tim York
California Leafy Greens
Marketing Agreement
Hayden Wands
VP Global Procurement, Commodities
Grupo Bimbo
Brad Barnes, CMC
Master Chef, Director
CIA Consulting & Industry Programs
Culinary Institute of America
Sponsorship Opportunities
By associating your brand to this inaugural event, you ensure that your business is perceived as a key player in developing the solutions and creating sustainable change for the changing landscape that is the food industry. There are limited opportunities available for Gold, Silver and Bronze Level sponsors.
Download the Sponsorship Sheet here